LONG 49.149722 LAT 87.943056
We were surprised to look out of the tent on our last morning and see the ground covered in snow; it was cold too. We took our time making breakfast, boiling water several times for repeat cups of coffee, staying in our sleeping bags as long as possible!
A combination of cold, wind and altitude made walking today a challenge. But we warmed up and made our towards the sacred Obo site where sacrifices are made and prayers sent high up into the mountain deities.
The wind was not kind but we kept a good, fast pace to stay warm. Even when the sun decided to come out mid-morning, the air was crisp and cool - but what views!
We were about to take off our shoes and brave the cold water of the last, shallow stream we had to cross when a kind Tuvan shepherd offered us his horse and helped us across.
It eventually warmed up back at 2,000 metres on our way back to Ulgii - here our friendly driver stopped for us to take pics.