Margaret River 2025
April 25 - 28
NOTE: all rooms are the same price assigned on a first-in, first-served basis!
Are you ready for a well-deserved pause, away from your fulfilling but demanding and fast-paced commitments?
Are you yearning for more self-expression & creativity in your life, in your business, and in your community?
Have you been craving time to reflect, reconnect, and redirect all you are creating and want to create in your life?
Then this retreat is for you.
Immersed in the restorative beauty of nature, nurtured by daily walks, yoga, and delicious plant-based food; you’ll be guided through a playful and dynamic process of creative recovery and exploration that will help reinforce your belief in the important role of creativity in your life, reignite your passion and excitement for all you have created and all that is still possible, and remind you of your access to limitless creativity.
Malene Andersen - October 2021
Can you related to any of the following statements?
“I want to find purpose, passion and meaning outside of my career,"
“…to walk, feel reenergised, to reconnect with me, with nature,”
“to discover an outlet for my creativity..”
“ to listen to that voice inside me and find a way for it to express the essence of who I am,”
“ to have space to reflect, to just be, to not feel pressure, to unwind, let it emerge,”
“ to restore my confidence and explore my passions.”
“I want to create.”
The Creativity Retreat is an opportunity to give your creative aspirations and dreams the attention they deserve, to examine and disrupt thinking habits that might be holding you back and to remember and celebrate just how creative you really are.
Whether you have been thinking of writing a memoir, taking up drums, creating an online business, or totally revamping or redirecting your life because you’ve retired, separated, got an empty nest, want a different career - this retreat is for you.
Marina and Julie - October 2021
Mandy Price - October 2021
Maybe 4 days in nature to breathe, reflect, stretch, paint, write share, play and walk along one of Australia's most beautiful coastal tracks, will give you space.
Maybe letting yourself be nurtured with yoga, delicious healthy food, in a safe and abundant setting, in the company of 9 other women who totally get you, will give you courage.
And maybe letting yourself be guided through a playful but powerful process that engages the body and senses and disrupts your thinking habits will give you clarity and insights that lie beyond the intellect
✨ the minute you step into the spacious and luxurious accommodation, everything from the pristine bushland visible from every window to the stylish furniture and the Vera Wang plates makes you feel special regardless of the type of room you choose.
✨ over 4 days, you let me guide you through a playful, dynamic and powerful process to help you unpack, examine and reconnect to: what you love, what you’re good at, what you dream of, what you fear; everything you are still not sure about.
✨ through the fun techniques, games, and exercises your senses are reawakened, your imagination sparked and the fresh neural pathways in your brain start to give you clarity, reveal insights and open you up to creative possibilities.
✨you’ll create colourful masterpieces 😉 with award-winning artist Jane Tangney / Kate Debbo
✨In the mornings you’ll stretch, breathe and reconnect with your body and mind through Kirra Diconza’s soulful and mindful yoga
PIP BRENNAN - October 2021
✨all day long you’ll be fed and nourished by some of the most delicious, colourful and creative plant-based food you have ever eaten
✨ you walk 3 sections of the epic Cape to Cape track and are blown away by the ocean views, native plants, squeaky clean beaches, limestone paths, granite headlands, fresh air and how good it feels to be out in nature
✨ the walks are long enough to feel a sense of achievement but not so long that you need help to get back in the van.
✨ there are no emails to send, no washing to fold, no meals to cook, nobody needing you to fix or find anything … and no more waiting for time and space to focus on you – because the time has arrived.
✨ every minute of every day, is about YOU
✨ you leave the retreat full to the rim of possibilities and inspiration, reassured that your creative aspirations matter and are worth your time and attention, no matter what you anyone thinks, and a 30 day action plan to stay on track after the retreat.
About Dr. Erika Jacobson
Since 2002 Erika has been helping individuals, communities, and organisations become more creative and find solutions to complex issues.
Over this time she has developed & implemented approaches that combine research and practice on transformation, creativity, and engagement.
She co-designed and delivered Creative Thinking Skills and Creativity and Innovation at Edith Cowan & Murdoch Universities, where she taught for over ten years.
As an entrepreneur, social theatre practitioner, researcher, and educator her toolbox is full of embodied techniques, creative thinking tools, and processes that spark creativity, help explore creative blocks, and generate ideas.
Erika has a BA in writing, an MA in community and international development, and a PhD in transformative learning.
Many writers and artists from around the country and the world have settled in WA’s southwest, inspired by the pristine environment, the spaciousness, the light, and the wild coastline.
We hope you too will be inspired as you walk on the rugged limestone of the Cape to Cape track, take in the expensive vistas of the Indian Ocean, and look up in awe at the Karri trees in the Boranup forest.
Immersed in nature and witnessing her limitless creativity daily, we remember that creativity is our INNATE human quality and it is our nature to create.
Vanaja, Tami and Nithi - October 2021
Wendy - October 2021
While there are many possible therapeutic outcomes to this embodied and aesthetic work, our main intention is to access learning that assists everyone in reconnecting & reigniting their creativity, whatever that may look like. Whether it be expanding your dessert making skills, creating an online business or finally putting some colour on those blank canvases or words on those blank pages.
The workshop process is playful, fun and goes as deep as you want to take it - whether you share your heart out or listen with an open mind, you will take something home that you can put into action.
The accommodation for this retreat is very special.
Nestled between a vineyard and pristine bush, the architecturally designed home has nurtured and held our previous retreats spaciously and warmly.
There are different rooms available to suit your budget.
The 4-bed dorm style has its own shared bathroom and lounge area, the twin-share rooms and 1 double room share another bathroom, and one deluxe King room has its own ensuite and walk-in. All the rooms offer great views of the surrounding natural environment and will delight you no matter where you sleep.
We have priced this retreat to make it accessible and still give value to the quality, substance, and benefit you will receive. The price is an investment in your wellness and self-care and a wonderful, loving gift to yourself…
Find out about our bespoke retreats and adventures designed to your specific needs. Let us create an unforgettable adventure in one of our many destinations.
Get in touch
“I loved the whole experience of the retreat, connecting and sharing with others, deliciously healthy food and scenic hiking experiences and time out for myself.
In a tranquil and beautiful location Erika created a very safe space to explore our creativity and blocks and challenges that stop us from being truly fulfilled, happy and creative...I got great insight how I am getting in my own way and I’m taking home the wisdom and ideas how I will do things differently to get positive results.”
“Your concept of including guided forest & coastal bush walking experiences was spot on. The peaceful forest walks and breathtaking coastal scenery nearby were unforgettable; the walks provided an uplifting experience that reconnected me to nature. all to often forgotten or ignored in the city...the use of theatre was beneficial, it was challenging but significantly helped me to clarify some issues & see them better with input form the group ...Your retreat represents by far the most worthwhile & value for money contribution to my life for many years, all achieved in as little as three days. Truly of remarkable benefit.”
September to November is a special time for wildflowers in the southwest... you’ll be awestruck by the beauty!
If you are looking to have a greater connection to nature and/or reignite or start a more creative and self-expressive life, but you don’t know where to start or you just don’t seem to be able to sustain your effort, then this retreat is for you.
We spend 4 days exploring, both individually and as a collective, what is stopping us, where we are exactly and where we want to be.
We rehearse actions that will get us there and we do it all in a safe and very playful way using storytelling, theatre, writing, movement, painting and of course walking and immersing ourselves in the creative power of nature.
Dr Erika Jacobson uses theatre based aesthetic exercises, embodied activities and creative thinking techniques & tools.
Her doctoral research and work using these approaches has given her insights into their benefits and power. Because they engage the body (embodied) and the senses (aesthetic), and aren’t focused on thinking, they can give access to ideas, solutions and breakthroughs that lie beyond our intellect.
Playful and fun, these techniques work on both individual and collective stories, often giving people access to deep insights and learning especially around difficult problems, obstacles and behaviours we want to change.
When an insight is received directly through the sense and not via the intellect, the possibility for it to be lasting (transformative) is so much greater.
Erika also works on the premise that we are all wired to be creative and self-expressive.
But our creativity diminishes if it is not used and strengthened. Erika uses many of the creative thinking tools she taught in the creativity and innovation course she co-designed at Murdoch University .
Get in touch with us on to find out more.
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